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Bachwezi intercessions

Bachwezi: The eternal Guardians, Masters of Power and Healing.

Return to your true African self. Unlock your life with ancient and time tested solutions.

Our Bachwezi ancestors live amongst us.

Ready to help us when we call on them.

Return to your true African self. Unlock your life with ancient and time tested solutions.

Get rid of financial, health, relationship or other life problems.

Consult now

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Who we are

We are Bachwezi Interceders. We serve as spiritual bridges between the physical and divine realms, drawing upon ancient wisdom and mystical energies of the Chwezi lineage. Our role involves guiding individuals toward healing, enlightenment, and balance by invoking ancestral blessings, interpreting spiritual messages, and offering protection from negative forces. Through rituals, prayers, and deep spiritual insight, a Chwezi Interceder helps seekers align with their true purpose and connect with the unseen forces that influence their lives.


"Years of job searches were brought to an end after a prayer. I'm incredibly grateful for the simple step I took."

"I suffered 3 miscarriages as a young woman. My hopes of ever conceiving a child successfully had diminished until I sought a Bachwezi intercession."

"Losses on my poultry farm which were majorly caused by diseases are a thing of the past."

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to visit in person?

No, a physical visit is not always necessary. We offer remote spiritual guidance and intercession through various means, such as phone consultations, online sessions, and prayers conducted on your behalf. However, if you prefer an in-person experience, you are always welcome to visit.

Is traditional healing safe?

Yes, traditional healing is safe. It is based on ancient wisdom, natural remedies, and ancestral guidance that have been passed down through generations. Our approach prioritizes ethical practices, respect for natural energies, and the well-being of those seeking help.